MEBAA - The Middle East and North Africa Business Aviation Association

Tameem House, Office 2304 - Barsha Heights 117733 Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Phone: 971 4 4356670
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MEBAA welcomes students and young professionals to Safeguard your future!!!

In MEBAA, we strongly believe in bridging the gap between the present and the future! We always look beyond and for new practices and approaches for aviation industry development. We provide a good opportunity for the aviation industry students and young professionals to share their profiles/CVs with us.


MEBAA will provide the necessary exposure of your profile to the regional business aviation companies. You will be able to transform your knowledge into praxis, through various in-the-field opportunities or find and start your career in the business aviation industry. You stand to benefit by way of your career development.


In short, just connect with MEBAA! And make your future safe.


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