MEBAA - The Middle East and North Africa Business Aviation Association

Tameem House, Office 2304 - Barsha Heights 117733 Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Phone: 971 4 4356670
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Fundamentals of IS-BAH Workshop - Dubai

03 Dec 2016


This workshop is designed to:

  • Assists FBOs and Aircraft Handlers with their IS-BAH implementation efforts, and
  • Provides a practical approach to managing an SMS based on ICAO principles.

The workshop begins at 0800 and concludes at 1600. The agenda includes:

  • Background and general information about IBAC the IS-BAH
  • Implementing and managing an SMS based on the ICAO framework,
  • Implementing and improving the procedures related to:
  1. Organization
  2. Training
  3. Standard Operating Procedures
  4. Company Operations Manual
  5. Emergency Response Planning
  6. Environmental Management
  7. Occupational Health and Safety
  8. Transportation of Dangerous Goods
  9. Security
  10. The Audit Process (Both Internal and Registration Audit).


Fundamentals of IS-BAH Workshop:

  • Dubai, UAE


  • Saturday, December 03, 2016 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (United Arab, Oman Time)


  • Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort
  • The Walk
  • Dubai, Dubai N/A
  • United Arab Emirates

Workshop Fee:

  • Register by 19 Nov. 2016: $500 USD per attendee
  • After 19 Nov. 2016: $750 USD per attendee

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