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Fundamentals of IS-BAO & Auditor Accreditation Workshops - 2013

15 Nov 2013

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) represents the interests of business aviation worldwide and has permanent observer status with the ICAO.

IBAC, in coordination with member associations, produces material of direct value to flight organizations, such as the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO). The IS-BAO was developed by the industry for the benefit of the industry. It is a code of best practices designed to help airplane and helicopter operators worldwide achieve a high level of safety and professionalism.


15th November 2013, at Zumrid Conference Room

IBAC conducted The Fundamentals of IS-BAO Workshop which assist operators with their IS-BAO implementation efforts, and provides a practical approach to managing an SMS based on ICAO principles.

The Fundamentals of IS-BAO workshop agenda includes:

  • Background and general information about IBAC the IS-BAO,
  • Implementing and managing an SMS based on the ICAO framework,
  • Implementing and improving the procedures related to:
  1. Organization
  2. Training
  3. Standard Operating Procedures
  4. International Operations
  5. Aircraft Equipment Requirements
  6. Maintenance Control
  7. Company Operations Manual
  8. Emergency Response Planning
  9. Environmental Management
  10. Occupational Health and Safety
  11. Transportation of Dangerous Goods
  12. Security
  • The Registration Audit Process.

Workshop Fee – $500 (US) per attendee

Download the registration form at

Please e-mail or fax applications and payment no later than 14 days prior to the workshop to the International Business Aviation Council at: Fax: (514) 954-6161 or Email:


16th November 2013, at Zumrid Conference Room

IBAC conducted the IS-BAO Auditor Accreditation Workshop which provides required training for auditors to become accredited by IBAC to conduct registration audits, train operator personnel and IS-BAO Implementation Support Providers so they can effectively conduct internal evaluations and Gap Analyses, as well as provide essential training on evaluating SMS Performance.

Candidates applying for initial accreditation must also attend The Fundamentals of IS-BAO Workshop.

The IS-BAO Auditor Accreditation Workshop agenda includes the following:

  • Audit Terminology,
  • Auditing Principles,
  • Audit Procedures,
  • SMS Performance Evaluation,
  • Preparing Audit Findings, and
  • Preparing Audit reports.

Workshop Registration Information:

  1. Initial Auditor Accreditation:
  2. Renewal Auditor Accreditation:
  3. Non-Accreditation Attendee (i.e., Operator Internal Auditor):

We hope the above is of interest to you and would encourage anyone wishing to attend these workshop, to register through the on-line sites above, as soon as possible. Should you wish further information on the above, please contact:

Date and time:

  • 15 November 2013 08:00 AM

Confirmation email is sent to you. We are excited to have you on board

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