MEBAA - The Middle East and North Africa Business Aviation Association

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A Word From the Director General

Kurt Edwards

We are looking forward to a meeting-filled October, advocating for business aviation and building our global community.  The month starts with the AsBAA co-sponsored Aviation Summit in Manila.  It brings together political and industry leaders of the broad aviation community in the Philippines and provides a spotlight to highlight the benefits of business aviation.  ICAO’s Stocktaking Meeting mid-month will continue efforts to understand the progress of international civil aviation along the path to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.  We return to the Philippines—Cebu this time—for the annual gathering of the Directors General of the ICAO Asia Pacific Region.  AsBAA members will join the IBAC delegation at this meeting.  We will reach the end of October with a big finish: NBAA BACE in Las Vegas.  The week includes the IBAC IS-BAO Standards Board meeting, our recognition event for IS-BAH and IS-BAO participants, the Industry Advisory Forum, International Dinner, and, of course, the Governing Board meeting.  Please make sure to stop by the IBAC stand at #561.  Many of our team members will be there to catch up and answer any questions.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.


Capt. Claude Hurley, Director, Environment & Flight Operations 

-    Business aviation was well represented at ICAO’s Symposium on Non-CO₂ Aviation Emissions in September.  Claude Hurley moderated a “Setting the Scene by the Industry” Panel with eloquent panelists from ACI, CANSO, IATA, & ICCAIA. ICAO continues to offer free access to these panel sessions through their ICAO TV platform, and more information can always be found through ICAO’s Non-CO2 emissions portal.

-    ICAO’s CAEP working groups started a series of back-to-back meetings in September, which will see them work through the fall sessions. Both IBAC and ICCAIA have nominated Subject Matter Experts to these working groups, who are diligently preparing draft recommendations on new Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on Aircraft Noise and Emissions. As well, they are continuing the work aimed at facilitating the greater availability of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). Another group where IBAC SME input is well appreciated is the LMR-TG, tasked with finding consensus on how best to measure aviation’s progress towards achieving Net-Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050, in line with both the Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (BACCC) as well as ICAO’s Long-Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG).

-    An IBAC Delegation will again be participating at an ICAO Environmental event in October. As partners with ICAO in the ACT-SAF program, IBAC has been invited to participate at this year’s Stocktaking Event. Claude will speak on a panel focused on SAF Implementation Support, covering aspects of the BACCC, our efforts through BizAv SAF Coalition, CoSAFA’s role in developing a globally harmonized framework for SAF accounting, including on Book & Claim, and IBAC’s partnership in the Climbing Fast sustainability advocacy.


Capt. Claude Hurley 

-    ICAO’s 14th Air Navigation Conference AN-Conf/14 was meant as a precursor to next year’s ICAO Assembly with the goal to get an early indication of how States and Industry see what work needs to be prioritized by ICAO into the next triennium (2025-2028). The core elements of Safety, Air Navigation, and Aviation Security merited lots of discussion, especially as they related to potential revisions of ICAO’s GASPGANP, and GASEP. As well, GNSS spoofing is a growing concern. Discussions about aviation cybersecurity, included elements of ICAO’s stratzegy and the need for progress on an international aviation trust framework..

-    ICAO hosted its first ever Advanced Air Mobility Symposium (AAM24) in September with over 1700 registered participants. It was a huge success for ICAO and underlines the importance that we all place on having States and Industry come together under the ICAO banner to agree on a globally harmonized regulatory framework for the safe introduction of AAM into our shared skies. 

-    IBAC was well represented by a large delegation.
Stéphane de Wolf shared his well-known SMS expertise during a session on Holistic and Integrated Risk Management while Chris Rocheleau (NBAA) was an eloquent panelist for the World of AAM Services and Economics session. Claude, as IBAC’s SME on the AAM-SG, also moderated panel discussions on Let’s Make Some Room for AAM Integration with distinguished panelists from the FAA, EC, ICCAIA, VAI, and the JCAB. Solving the “See & Avoid” challenge between AAM and traditional VFR users of low-level airspace, as well the need for significant infrastructure development were seen as some of the key priorities for AAM. The full AAM symposium can be watched at ICAO TV

Industry Partner Programme 

Leo Knaapen, Head, Industry Partner Programme 

-    The second Industry Advisory Forum (IAF/02) is on schedule for Thursday, 24 October, 2024 in Las Vegas – following the conclusion of NBAA-BACE – By invitation only.  Subject matter for discussion with Industry Partners and IBAC Member Associations include Environmental Sustainability, Cybersecurity, Flight Operations, among other important industry matters.



Andrew Karas, IS-BAO Programme Director

-    FAA Part 5 Supplement to IS-BAO: A new FAA Part 5 supplement will soon be added to IS-BAO documents, providing enhanced guidance for operators on safety management systems in alignment with FAA requirements.  Stay tuned for its release.

-    Upcoming IS-BAO Workshops: We’re hosting IS-BAO workshops in October, November, and December to support operators in achieving and maintaining IS-BAO registration.  These workshops will cover key topics, including safety management systems, audit preparation, and best practices for compliance.  The schedule can be found here: International Business Aviation Council | Workshops

-    IS-BAO PS3 Progressive Audit Program Growth: The IS-BAO Progressive Audit program (PS3) continues to grow, offering a flexible auditing solution for Stage 3 operators seeking an alternative to the traditional audit cycle.  The program is designed to adapt to operator needs, providing ongoing feedback and fostering continuous improvement in safety standards.  More information is available at: Progressive Stage 3 or by contacting us at

-    NBAA-BACE Attendance: Don’t miss us at the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (BACE), taking place from 22-24 October in Las Vegas.  IS-BAO and the rest of the IBAC team will be on-site (Booth #561) to connect with members, share updates, and participate in discussions about the future of business aviation safety.   

IS-BAO operators and auditors reaching a milestone (10, 15, and 20 years) in the program are invited to join the IBAC and IS-BAO community at NBAA-BACE in a special recognition reception on Wednesday 23, October from 1530-1700, in the NBAA booth #467.  Invitations are being emailed with RSVPs requested.  Contact with any questions. 

The Annual IS-BAO Standards Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, in Las Vegas. We extend our sincere thanks to all operators and auditors for their valuable suggestions, and to our dedicated volunteer Standards Board members for their time and commitment to upholding this internationally recognized standard for business aviation. 


Terry Yeomans, Programme Director

-    IS-BAH just finished the penultimate 2024 workshop set for IS-BAH, and the final workshop is set for early December.  Book soon to avoid missing those early bird rates.

-    Heading into the final quarter of 2024, audit reports have slowly begun to be filed for review after the summer break. 16 audit reports remain open/active awaiting final submission. Total Stage 1 registrations to date stands at 323.

-    IS-BAO and IS-BAH will be participating in a session at NBAA-BACE (Tuesday 1200-1300), titled - Collaborative Safety / Session Description - Aligning Ground Operations and Business Aviation for Risk Reduction. Looking for input from both BAO and BAH registered operators to take part in the discussions.

-    IS-BAH will be virtually participating in the 3rd meeting of the ICAO intelligence gathering and analysis regional working sub-group (IGA-SG) in October.



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