MEBAA - The Middle East and North Africa Business Aviation Association

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Safety and quality of services, a must in business aviation.

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 We are happy to express our congratulations to TAG Aviation Macau for IS-BAH Accreditation for Ground Handling Operations! They had received Stage 1 certificate of registration from the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) for their unwavering commitment to safety and quality ground handling.

The IS-BAH standard, which focuses on the refueling, ground handling and storing ofgeneral aviation aircraft, is a set of global industry’s best practices in safety managementand risk mitigation for business aviation ground handlers.

The accreditation process involves a complete audit of the FBO’s safety managementsystems, emergency and security procedures, organisational structure, training protocols and operating procedures. Certificates of registration are issued by IBAC to FBOs that have successfully demonstrated conformity to the industry’s best practicestandards through completion of a Third Party external audit by the IBAC accredited auditor.

“We are extremely proud to have become the first IS-BAH accredited FBO based in Macau; it demonstrates to our customers that the TAG Macau FBO team, from ground handling to maintenance services, is totally committed to providing the highest quality of services while adhering to the most stringent safety standards,” said Rita Tam, General Manager, TAG Macau FBO. “This achievement marks a significant milestone for our FBO’s first six months of operations.”

"This beautifully appointed VIP facility unquestionably upholds the same high standards of the wider TAG Aviation Group,” said Dane Williams, Director, AviationSafety Asia. “The TAG Macau FBO team should be very proud to have become the first FBO based in Macau to receive IS-BAH accreditation and only the second FBO to obtain IS-BAH accreditation in the emerging Greater Bay Area of Southern China.”


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