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IS-BAO - Ramp Inspection Bulletin

Ramp Inspection Bulletin

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TO: IS-BAO Registered Operators 
FROM: Andrew Karas – IS-BAO Programme Director
DATE: 25 APRIL 2023
SUBJECT: Ramp Inspection Bulletin

The first issue of the Ramp Inspection Bulletin is now available to review in the IS-BAO operator portal with your log-in credentials under the IS-BAO Documents section, Supporting Documents tab. The ramp inspection data on business aircraft has been collected by the French DSAC and shared with IBAC. The IS-BAO team has analyzed these inspection details and created this informative bulletin to share with the IS-BAO community. In this issue, you can learn about the most common non-conformities that make up the top areas of concern and see excerpts from the inspection comments. IBAC receives new data from the DSAC every four months and IS-BAO will continue to create updated bulletins to share the latest trends and any changes over time.

Contact with any questions.

Kind regards,

Andrew Karas – IS-BAO Programme Director

(available to current IS-BAO operators and subscribers)

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