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The future of the industry is already here!

At MEBAA Conference Morocco, 50skyshades had a perfect opportunity to discuss with Mr. Bennet Walsh, IS-BAO Program Director.

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Q. Your way to aviation – was it a dream since your childhood, your decision, did you get there by chance? 

A. I must to tell you that I am the third generation of aviators in our family and I have two children in professional aviation. So, for me it was a childhood dream to be in aviation.  It became a part of me and the choice of my career was quite clear. I am a very fortunate person to work in aviation which is my passion.

Q. The speed of the development of aviation industry is just fascinating, how do you see the future?

A. It is here already! In many senses the future of the industry is already here and what we are doing – we are catching up. An example is of course UAVs/RPAS. In a very short time the sector has gone from entertainment to a significant part of operations. IBAC is stepping up as the business aviation UAV sectors representative to ensure best practices and Standards are simple and appropriate. But it is a simple reality that we are playing catch up to the users. 

Q. IBAC is a coordinated voice for business aviation, what you think need and can be improved?

A. I can tell you immediately – for many years we’ve missed the mark with communications. We need to promote, to explain, to educate, and fortunately in the last 18 months we have added a professional communications and marketing capacity. IBAC is a small non-profit of technical people that accredit, educate, and advocate for business aviation. So, with this component missing in the past our community just did not know what we were doing for them as their representative at ICAO, with the business aviation associations, and sometimes even with their CAA. That vacuum allowed other commercial concern to fill in with other narratives. This is not the case any longer for sure. We have to explain again and again who we are, what we do, how it impacts the economy, what it can bring to the future development of many other industries indirectly related to business aviation.

Read full interview:

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